The 7 Chakras bracelet is a high-quality, custom bracelet featuring genuine crystals representing the healing elements (the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacrum, and the root) needed for the body.
Made of high quality, natural stones in a variety of colors, this piece goes well with just about any outfit color scheme.
Amethyst - A kind of relaxing energy that we could all use after a long day, it helps your body give into innate desires like sound sleep and relaxation, but it also works with your third eye to balance the mind with insightful solutions to problems
Lapis Lazuli - Brings wisdom and the broadening of your understanding, and should be used especially by those having issues with self-expression and self-awareness.
Blue spot jasper - for courage and inner strength, it can connect with the heart and the mind. It helps us to occupy our space, speak our truth, and to express authenticity
Aventurine - promotes well-being and Its deeper purpose is help you release old habits and patterns so you are ready for new opportunities and growth and can move forward with confidence.
Citrine- can be used to fill your life with positive energy with its yellow hues symbolizing the spiritual qualities of joy, abundance, and transmutation
Red jasper- The jasper healing properties bring strong healing and nurturing energies to provide you with courage and wisdom. As a nurturing and protective stone, it helps to bring you comfort, alleviating any fear, stress or anxiety you may be feeling. It stimulates the root chakra, filling your body with grounding, spiritual energy
Tiger's Eye- brings protection against negative energy and strengthens self-worth.
Stretchy bracelets, fits most. If your wrists run a little on the larger or smaller size, please note your request in the comments when ordering.
Custom item made by Love, Charisma.
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